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Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted Keys of Wisdom

Part 1: Why are we here? (15 minutes / 3 pages)

Literacy is a form of slavery until a systematic form of critical thinking is practiced by the reader.

We’ll be discussing the relevance of this observation for the remainder of this lesson, and if you don’t
currently have a systematic form of critical thinking, don’t be alarmed… as you’ll be provided with your
own lock-picking set in the form of the lost tools of learning, and from there, you can unlock your own
potential, at your own pace. If you want to free your mind, you first have to come to understand the
process by which words were used to program and control your mind in the first place; thereby you will
have the ability to re-write the programming in your own image. That’s on an individual level, but what
about humanity as a whole?

The status quo, or our existing state of affairs, amounts to this: Human actions are in conflict with Human
needs for survival. The perfect storm of irrationality that we’re all experiencing has three major
components which create its devastating effect:

1. Censorship or Secrecy which is the act of occulting information

2. Corruption of Education which conveniently leaves you Intellectually Self-Defenseless
3. Absence of compassionate communication, which prevents constructive action

Ending secrecy and revealing the truth, does not automatically give people critical thinking and non-
violent communication skills. Providing intellectual self-defense, does not automatically prevent
censorship, nor does it teach one how to communicate. Learning how to communicate does not end
secrecy, nor does it provide critical thinking. To free our minds, we must take 3 steps; and repeat those
steps, over and over.

Let’s begin by defining 13 simple concepts, so that we can all start on the same page:

1. Axiom of non-aggression: is an ethical stance which asserts that "aggression" is inherently

illegitimate. "Aggression" is defined as the "initiation" of physical force against persons or
property, the threat of such, or fraud upon persons or their property. In contrast to pacifism, the
non-aggression principle does not preclude violent self-defense. The principle is a deontological
(or rule-based) ethical stance.

2. Education: to bring out, to extract, to produce from a state of occultation, (Johnson’s Dictionary
1854); from the Latin verb educo, to lead or draw out.

3. Occult: from the Latin verb, occulto, to hide or to keep secret.

*Therefore, education is the process of un-occulting reality.

4. Polymath: A polymath (Greek polymathēs, "having learned much") is a person whose

expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas

5. Autonomy: Autonomy (Ancient Greek: autonomos from auto- "self" + nomos, "law" "one who
gives oneself their own law") is a concept found in moral, political, and bioethical philosophy.
Within these contexts, it refers to the capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, un-
coerced decision.

6. Government: is derived from the Latin word gubernare, a verb, meaning ―to control‖ combined
with mente, a Latin noun, meaning mind. Government means: To control the mind.

7. Cybernetics: The term cybernetics stems from the Greek (kybernētēs, steersman, governor,
pilot, or rudder — the same root as government). Cybernetics is a broad field of study, which
includes equations to control human behavior through the use of language; in other words, if the
purpose of government is to control the mind, cybernetics would be the instruction manual on
how to control your mind. This will mean more when we get to Norbert Wiener in a few minutes.

8. Conspiracy: from the Latin verb, conspire, to conspire; it is the act of occulting information in
order to prey on those who have been denied access to the same set of useful information. See
also: Cabal

9. Terrorism: Government by force or coercion. (OED)

10. Nescient: a lack of awareness or knowledge, as a consequence of never having had the
choice or opportunity to be exposed to it. Had they been exposed to awareness or knowledge, it
would have been integrated into their thoughts and actions, had they only been given the

11. Ignorant: someone who is aware of a concept or knowledge, and yet does not integrate this
information, and thus are resistant to learning by their own choice; or choosing not to learn. See
also: denial.

12. Liber: The Latin word for book is also the same Latin word used to articulate the idea of
freedom, and thus is the root word of liber-ty. Reading books provides a road to cognitive liberty.

13. Compassionate Communication: observing without judgment, we process our feelings and
identify mutual needs, whereby we can communicate in order to meet the needs of all parties.

If the word government literally means ―to control the mind‖, wouldn’t learning how to control your own
mind, negate the opportunity for external government? You see, it is the simple act of asking questions,
which illustrates the Achilles’ heel of the control system; you can condition animals, but if humans ask
questions, they can learn your way to freedom.

Government will continue to exist until it is no longer necessary. The absence of government is anarchy;
not autonomy. Absence of someone else controlling your mind does not automagically give you critical
thinking, so it’s more logical, reasonable, and rational to learn how to learn anything for ourselves, and
thereby become autonomous, whereby external mind control- or government- is no longer necessary.

Government, ―to control the mind‖, is a form of aggression when it is against your consent. When
governments occult information- for example with ―top secrecy‖- it is a form of aggression, as it denies
you the opportunity to make an informed choice. If 16,000,000 documents were made top secret by our
government last year; how could we possibly expect to be informed as to what reality actually is?

When secret societies occult information, and use oaths as a method of ensuring the secrets stay secret;
they generate a power differential, if they prevent others from accessing useful information. Does the
superclass which runs the world have superpowers? They do. Their super power is to have access to a
systematic method to attain certainty, while at the same time denying you access to the same liberating
tools. The purpose of this lesson is to transfer the super powers of the non-elected rulers to you, whereby
you can inspect, validate, and if you so choose- install your own super-powers- of learning. As a

consequence, if you so choose, you can likewise empower others with the opportunity to catalyze their
own learning potential… it’s truly the gift that keeps on giving, until someone decided to keep it a secret,
and assume power to control the rest of our lives without our consent.

Without access to the occulted information, and the intellectual tool-kit to allow you to take actions with
certainty; it is a rigged game ensuring consistency, satisfaction, and order for those who occult
information… and uncertainty, fear, confusion, and chaos for those without access to the information and
the tools of learning.

As a result, without learning to outgrow our current situation, many of us react emotionally and cannot
out-think our reactions, devolving our state of response-ability to that of fight or flight… powered by
adrenaline… emotions are not a valid method of attaining knowledge, and we tend to panic, instead of
responding to the unknown with observation, logical thought, and informed action to make it known. This
is the essence of how we as human beings are being controlled by other human beings using words.

Who is doing this to us? The short answer: Polymaths who possess rationality without emotion.
Throughout history many groups have espoused this obsession to control the lives of others, whether it’s
the Atenists, or the eugenicists, or the ego-worshippers; they all support controlling you vis a vis the
censorship and manipulation of information, better known as the concept of the Scientific Dictatorship.
Some examples illustrating the idea of the scientific dictatorship would be the following members of the
20 century intelligentsia:

1. Edward Bernays: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and
opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this
unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of
our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic
society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to
live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in
the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated
by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social
patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind." — Edward
Bernays (Propaganda, 1928)
2. Walter Lippmann: ―We have learned to call this propaganda. A group of men, who can prevent
independent access to the event, can arrange the news to suit their purpose… …In order to
conduct a propaganda campaign; there must be some barrier between the public and the event.
Access to the real environment must be limited, before anyone can create a pseudo-environment
he thinks wise or desirable.‖ Walter Lippmann (Public Opinion, 1922)
3. B.F. Skinner: Inventor of operant conditioning, ―Give me a child and I'll shape him into anything.‖
4. Bertrand Russell: "Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left
school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise
than as their schoolmasters would have wished." (Page 50 - The Intended Result of Education)
5. Norbert Wiener: Author of Cybernetics, which focuses on equations to control human behavior,
and illustrates how to corrupt our natural communication and feedback – or learning- processes,
whereby game theory is used to control the masses. ―As I have already hinted, one of the
directions of work which the realm of ideas of the Macy meetings has suggested concerns the
importance of the notion and the technique of communication in the social system. It is certainly
true that the social system is an organization like the individual, that it is bound together by a
system of communication, and that it has a dynamics in which circular processes of a feedback
nature play an important part. This is true, both in the general fields of anthropology and

sociology and in the more specific field of economics; and the very important work, which we
have already mentioned, of von Neumann and Morgenstern on the theory of games enters into
this range of ideas. On this basis, Drs. Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead have urged me, in
view of the intensely pressing nature of the sociological and economic problems of the present
age of confusion, to devote a large part of my energies to the discussion of this side of
cybernetics.‖ *If you are unfamiliar with what this quote means, click the link to the ―Macy
conferences‖ on Wikipedia, and learn your way forward after this lesson.
6. Aldous Huxley: "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful
executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do
not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task
assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and
schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing
something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of
view, is silence about truth." Aldous Huxley, the Ultimate Revolution, March 20, 1962 @ Berkeley

Part 2: The Secret of Secret Societies (30 mins / 6 pages)

There are many artifacts which illustrate that the Craft of masonry, is much older than its public eruption in
Great Britain in the 1700’s. One such document is the ―Wood Manuscript‖, circa 1610, which contains 32
pages, and therein begins by proclaiming that masonry has always been associated with ―Grammar,
Rethorick, Logicke, Arithmetick, Geometrye, Musick, and Astronomie‖. This is an unmistakable reference
to the 7 Liberal or Liberating Arts, composed of the Trivium (Grammar Logic Rhetoric) and the
Quadrivium (Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy). These are ancient subjects lost to the
Christian world during the Dark Ages, and preserved in the Middle East by Arab scholars, until the

Another curious artifact is found as the conclusion to Albert Pike’s magnum opus, Morals and Dogma,
where on page 861 he proclaims that the Royal Secret of the Sublime Prince is found in the
understanding of the Pythagorean 5-3-4 right-angle triangle: The 5 representing the 5 senses, the 3
representing the Trivium (Grammar Logic Rhetoric), and the 4 representing the Quadrivium (Mathematics,
Geometry, Music, Astronomy). It is in observing with our 5-senses, that we process this input using the
Trivium, and quantify our reality using number in its many forms via the Quadrivium, as a measure of
understanding. Morals and Dogma also brings to mind the masonic credo ―Ordo ab Chao‖, or ―Order out
of Chaos‖, allegedly a metaphor illuminating as to the source of masonic power, in their ability to create
chaos, our of which they can maintain control and assert order. Indeed, this is accurate, as learning IS the
process of establishing order over chaos, or the method of transmuting chaos into order, using the 3
steps of the Trivium, which we’ll get to in the next section of this lesson. The method of transmuting order
out of chaos is only ―evil‖ if it is held by one side and used against the other; as this is the consequence of
the occulting of useful tools of learning. By re-introducing these concepts to those who are not in secret
societies, and thus under no oaths of secrecy; we can effectively dissolve the power which the non-
elected rulers use to assert their control over the masses, one mind at a time, without violating anyone’s
free will.

What’s more, the esoteric message of the symbols and words used by the Perfectibilists, better known as
the Illuminati, render even more interesting discoveries of learning:

The owl represents a predator that can see in the dark, while you cannot; referring to the fact that those in
the society can see the occulted information- while you cannot. The triangle represents the trinity, or 3-
step process of systematic learning, and the quote ―Per Me, Caeci Vident‖, which translates to: ―Through

Me, the Blind become Sighted‖ likewise refers to the process of learning. A process, which if not shared
equally, can be used as a weapon- giving great power to the few, and used to control the many.

If the word light is derived from ―Lux‖, might the process of shedding light be equated to the un-occulting
of information, which is also learning or education? Might that which allows us to observe, compare reality
to our memory, and learn as a result; be something that people of the past have worshipped?

Might someone, at some time in the past, have sought to cloak the power of learning by making others
(without access to the tools of learning) to think that it is ―evil‖ or even an ―adversary‖; so as to use fear to
prevent others from making meaningful discoveries and sharing knowledge with others?

That might start to account for the reason as to WHY our most precious natural resource- that of the
ability for each individual to develop their mental capacity- has been most evidently been subverted over
past centuries.

Now that we know that A) there is a

method to learning anything, and B)
that the method has been occulted,
and held as the primary secret of
secret societies- because if they can
prevent you from learning likewise-
they have a favorable advantage in
power differential… or leverage.

Since much of the information we

need to understand our history has
been occulted, it is through the process of reading books, whereby we can liberate our minds, and
exercise our freedom of speech and communication to better progress our understandings, through a
common language of interaction with others.

This is the process by which we as individuals help each other to free our minds. Books are our best
resource of knowledge into the history of humanity, and it’s our ability to find and filter the valuable
information, and share it with others, which provides hope that all is not lost.

All learning then begins with an observation, and if our curiosity is healthy and hasn’t been poisoned, our
questioning of that observation leads us to learn our way forward, by asking substantial questions and
finding valid answers.

Is there a relationship between the quality of our judgments or decisions, and the quality of our lives? If
you observe that there is a direct relationship between the quality of our judgments and the quality of our
lives, then the question becomes: ―what is the method by which we can improve the quality of our
judgments and decisions?‖, as the inferred consequence would be an improvement in the quality of our
lives. If someone wanted to raise their standard of living at your expense, in the example of Bernie Madoff
or any other con-man, what might they have to do in order to be in a power position? Simply to undermine
your ability to make quality decisions and accurate judgments; and this is done by occulting information,
secrets which are protected by oaths and other forms of coercion.

If the status quo is fueled by our poor judgment, and simultaneously the status quo is in direct conflict with
human needs of survival; might improving our ability to make quality decisions and accurate judgments
not resolve the conflict ongoing?

What is the biggest threat to the ruling class? Are they genetically superior, or have they just been
provided with tools to attain a higher level of perspective, thus making them our intellectual superiors
through the occulting of information and corruption of public education? Might the method by which one
learns how to learn anything for one’s self be the biggest secret?

Is the world governed by people who are our intellectual inferiors? This question will be addressed
throughout this lesson, so let’s then ask a question which pertains to why we’re all here seeking
intellectual self-defense.

What creates an opportunity for a con-man to take advantage of his prey?

It is through the observation that knowledge exists, and the observation that the occulting of information
by one side, creates an imbalance of power. This imbalance provides the opportunity for predators to
create their own prey… to make slaves out of those who are not privy to the occulted- or secret-
information. Whether it’s the three-card monte or shell game on a city street, or it’s the Ponzi scheme
being used to steal trillions from millions of people; those in the know who seek power through the
occulting of information, use this gap in knowledge to act as their fulcrum… the more secrets, the greater
their leverage.

How do you know if you’re being fooled?

Do you notice that sometimes honest people are providing

information which is dishonest, not as a function of their
attempt to deceive you, but rather because they have not
validated that which they are attempting to pass on to you
as ―knowledge‖?

How can we attain higher degrees of certainty, by learning

how to discern fact from fiction?

We could start by defining what is meant by knowledge: ―it can be said that we live in a symbolic world,
and all knowledge is a function of how communities of knowers construe and manipulate symbols.‖

I think it’s important to note that knowledge plays an important role in communication, as does logic; the
combination of which equates to rhetoric, which pertains to the expression of knowledge, if this process is
uncorrupted and remains in integrity with the law of identity.

It is through this knowledge- or the ability to construe and manipulate symbols- that rhetoric is formed,
and this is the process by which the polymaths govern; and in that realization, one might then recognize
the concepts which embody those who govern.

All knowledge starts with observation, through the 5-senses. This is the genesis of thinking, as a process
of identification, to validate the contents which we store as memory.

It has been said that judgment without observation is the epitome of ignorance, while observation without
judgment is the epitome of wisdom… but WHY is observation without judgment so important?

It is because in order to reach a point of decision or judgment, one has to think as a method to get
there… and observation is not the end result of judgment, rather it is the starting point for thinking to
occur. What is thinking, but an ongoing process of achieving identification, and the process of inferring
these identifications into a body of logically connected knowledge?

Thinking is the process of asking the questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How; and finding
valid answers; whereby you can make an informed decision or accurate judgment.

If your process of observation does not progress through the dialectic – or question and answer process-
of thinking, your judgments reflect nothing other than conditioned responses, programmed by your
environment… and thus you will find it to be unsatisfactory, as the status quo is created to facilitate,
progress, and protect the non-elected ruling class… and you’re not in it.

Why are we all here tonight? Is it because we have all observed contradictions in our perspectives of
reality, and therein these contradictions have sparked our curiosity and initiated us on a process of
thinking, whereby we seek to learn how to remove our mis-understandings about the world, and
communicate this newfound understandings to others?

The root cause of what makes us aware that something is wrong, is that we are comparing and
contrasting, that which we observe now, to that which we have experienced in the past. We can all
remember a time when we were availed greater degrees of liberty, and in comparing and contrasting the
past to the present; we sense a decline in our way of life.

This comparison, or contrast, is the basis of the duality of our shared physical reality; without contrast,
there would be no way to discern one thing from another, which is the essence of unity- or non-duality.

Here in the physical world, we’re all familiar with how corporations identify themselves… with logos. In the
ancient Greek, logos, often translated as word or number, originally meant ratio. The Pythagoreans
developed a theory of ratio and proportion as applied to numbers. Early translators rendered this into
Latin as ratio, meaning "reason" (as in "rational"). Medieval writers used the word proportio ("proportion")
to indicate ratio and proportionalitas ("proportionality") for the equality of ratios.

It is innate to the human species that we have the ability to form and use ratios, and thus to be rational.
This is the key to what makes us human, our ability to recognize and use letters, thus building words,
creating sentences, writing paragraphs, and sharing information beyond our lifetime. Just as one might
build an entire city of bricks, there is an entire reality built from letters, words, and language; and we’re all
aware that all too often in history, words have been used to create invisible prisons, and to enslave

Holocaust Survivor Viktor Frankl is famous not for his being a survivor, but for the experiences which led
him to an observation, through which we can all come to understand the essence of what it is to be
human beings: ―Between stimulus and response, there is a space, and in that space, is our freedom‖

To choose to think or not to think, to learn or not to learn… those are the questions we should be
interested in. As human beings, we implicitly learn in a variety of ways; but we do this inconsistently, and
without accuracy or precision. It is in the explicit observation of how our natural ability to learn actually
works, wherein is found the key to learning anything you want in life.

In fact, as we’ll learn throughout this evening, there is really only one question we need to be asking…
and it is by using this single word, that we can unlock our own minds and truly begin to explore reality
through a methodology of critical thinking and creative problem solving.

That word, by the way, is WHAT, and it helps if you put this little squiggly line with a dot below it, thus
making it into a question. What is the identity of __________?

What is the process and purpose of thinking? Thinking is the process of identification.

To employ metaphor, if you equate the process of learning to the process of eating, thinking is the part
where you carefully identify what is and what is not food; so as not to poison yourself, as eating without
thinking could lead you to consume something which is not food. Thinking is a tool of survival, and
necessary to human beings, who are volitional beings; meaning that there is a space to be filled in, and in
that space we make our choices.

What is the process and purpose of thinking? Thinking is the process of identification. It starts when we
question our observations and initiates a process by which we learn to answer our own questions.

What is identity? It’s the result of the process of elimination resulting in the non-contradictory label.

If I describe a vehicle with wheels, you might say ―car‖; if I add that it’s pulled by a horse, you might say
―buggy‖. It is in observing similarities and differences that we define a concept, and once defined, we
label it. This process of iterating the genera and differentia, or similarities and contrast, allows one to see
a concept in focus. Once a concept is defined, or labeled, it can then be further identified; by asking Who,
What, Where, When, Why, and How… we all know these questions as the 5-W’s + How… questions
which should be answered in any quality piece of journalism… but in reality there is only one question, as
I mentioned, asked in 6 different ways:

Who? Translates as: ―What is the identity of the person involved?‖

What? Translates as: ―What is the identity of the subject, concept, or topic involved?‖

Where? Translates as: ―What is the identity of the location or place?‖

When? Translates as: ―What is the identity of the time?‖

Why? Translates as: ―What is the identity of the cause?‖

How? Translates as: ―What is the identity of the means or process?‖

It is in asking the question: ―What is the identity of ______?‖, that thinking takes place, as it is the process
of grasping identification; and this is Logic. Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification.

This is the essence of human communication, and being that we’ve all been deprived of it, it’s no wonder
that we’re all here looking for something… and now we can IDENTIFY what that is.

The concept of ―proof‖, which is something we’re all looking for, is also useful to define at this point:

Proof is the process of deriving a conclusion, step-by-step, from the directly given evidence of the senses,
each step in accordance with the law of identity; which is Logic. Once concepts are mutually defined,
communication becomes much more efficient and effective.

Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification; meaning that one thing cannot be another thing at the
same time and respect. In essence, any agreed upon definition, acts as common ground for successful
communication. If you are attempting to communicate with someone, and cannot agree on common
definitions, communication cannot take place. If identities cannot be defined, logic is not present, and the
conversation then is apparently about nothing. If there is a failure to communicate, it is likely that there is

a contradiction in identification; whereby re-affirming mutual agreement on definitions or identification will
most likely remedy the situation.

This is the common thread between humans and computers, and why we can use computers to
communicate. The way I am communicating with you right now is identical to how computers
communicate; in a technological sense, we all speak in code, and if you have the decoder- in this case
English- you can understand what I’m saying, even if you have to look up a few words. A code is defined
as communication between an encoder (a ―writer‖ or ―speaker‖), that’s me, and a decoder (a ―reader‖ or
―listener‖), that’s you… using agreed upon symbols, in this case the English alphabet and English

The essence of communication / Claude Shannon

In 1948, Claude Shannon, an American polymath, published his paper on ―The Mathematical Theory of
Communication‖, which earned him a place in history as the ―father of information theory‖. Shannon’s
work in how communication works, is the foundation principle for the electronic age, as it is used in
computers and practically every communication device or electronic gadget. It is in recognizing the input,
processing, and output pattern; that we can learn how our own process of communication is undermined.
You have an idea, you express it, and the person to whom you’re speaking looks as if your message has
been lost in translation. If you agree on definitions, i.e. the coded language used to transmit the message,
whether in English or in binary code, the next step would be to identify the source of noise in the
message; specifically identifying that which is the message, and that which is not. This is the logical

Humans and computers differ, insofar as humans sometimes attempt to deceive each other and/or
communicate information which is not validated; both instances create chaos, or noise, which can
dissolve the integrity of the message.

A fallacy is an error in our logical thinking process. The word fallacy derives from the Lain, fallere, to
deceive. If someone is nescient of the myriad of fallacies in existence, their use, if recognized by you,

might be construed as innocent. If someone is knowledgeable, and is attempting to deceive you by using
fallacies, if recognized by you, can be addressed… and you can avoid taking toxic misinformation and
filing it in your memory as truth. However, when so much information is held secret, and so many fables
are therefore circulated as ―truth‖, it is hard to achieve a clear focus on reality. Thinking is the process of
bringing our mind into focus on the subject or concept to be identified; so what would happen if the
properties of identification are withheld from you? You become the external enemy, the profane public,
the exoteric masses who are left blind and in the dark. This, is the nature of encryption and cryptography,
which Claude Shannon also miraculously elaborated in simplest terms:

Communication of Secrecy Systems

Claude Shannon also created the ―Communication of Secrecy Systems‖ method, which occults
information (the Key Source), denying someone outside of the secret society the ability to read the
messages; this is useful to understand, as it is access to the key which enables the rest of us to decrypt
our reality. Yes, the occulting of information, is the encryption of our reality; and this will enable you to see
some of the understandings related in films like The Matrix. If the world has been pulled over our eyes,
then education is the process of getting back to reality.
In ancient Hindu, RAM is a word for god; today in the 21 century RAM refers to memory… might these
concepts be connected? This diagram illustrates the similarities and differences between you and your
computer; and it’s titled ―your computer and you‖, and I thought that it might help you get more out of this

It’s likely that we all have a computer, and like we just learned from Claude Shannon, there are 3 basic
steps to making it useful: 1) Input, 2) processing, and 3) output. This cycle, repeated consistently, makes
it a useful tool. Your computer, in simplest terms is a code, or operating system, which runs on a chip
made of sand and stored as memory as rust on disc, and might cost a few thousand dollars. You might
connect your computer to the internet, an input. You then might have a firewall, virus scan, and spam
filter in place, before you let your processor get to work, and eventually store it to memory, whereby it can
be recalled, and output to a printer, disc, or sent back out through the internet as communication. If all
pieces work synergistically, the computer is useful and generates satisfaction and serenity; and if not, it
causes frustration and confusion.

It’s even more than likely that we all have a brain, and like we just learned from Claude Shannon, there
are 3 basic steps to making it useful: 1) input, 2) processing, and 3) output. This cycle, when likewise
repeated consistently, makes our mind a useful tool. Your mind, in simplest terms, is the operating system
of the brain- which is the most complex organism in the known physical universe- and is priceless. Your
body literally can’t leave home without it. You might have access to all 5 of your senses to observe and
interact with the environment, this is the input. You then might have a firewall, an awareness of the
observation that predators do exist. You might have a virus scan, which is an awareness of the fact that
information lacking integrity can disrupt your ability to think and act. You might also have a spam filter,
which is an awareness that some predators use false identities in an attempt to deceive you. Through the
use of logical processing- asking the 5 W’s + H, these contradictions can be identified, thus allowing you
to avoid the confidence scheme, as it only works if you’re intellectually self-defenseless. At this point you
might store this validated information in memory, whereby it can be recalled, and output by thinking,
talking, or doing. If all pieces work synergistically, the mind is useful and generates satisfaction and
serenity; and if not, it causes frustration and confusion.

So the question is, given this information, why do we all seem to invest more in our computers, than we
do in the workings of our own minds? It seems, we’ve been fooled into mis-prioritizing what is most
precious, and sold on a systematic form of undermining our right of self-determination through some very
clever marketing, thanks to a few egocentric polymaths.

When we fail to exercise our choice- to think or not to think- we become our own oppressors.

What’s more, what happens if we do not have a firewall, virus-scan, and spam-filter running at all times?
We lose our choice, as it is in these 3 steps wherein we evaluate and assert our decisions. It is in the
turning off of our awareness- through the false creation or attribution of trust- whereby we become
controlled… literally. For it is in the input, where the propaganda and deception enter into our mind, and
without questioning, we store it as factual truth in memory. Our choice is self-usurped and outsourced to
whatever input we are exposed to, because we have lost the curiosity to ask ―what?‖, and the discipline to
ask it in 6 ways, consistently, and thereby have lost our free will. You are free only when you understand
yourself in relationship to your surroundings, and this changes as you move through the world; however,
the common thread which creates the fabric of knowledge is the observation that learning is the path to

Referring back to the ―Communication Systems Theory‖, this is the key to unlocking our own minds,
decrypting our reality, enabling us to take actions which inspire others to do likewise. War has both
mental and physical characteristics; there can be no support for physical warfare if first there is not mental
support which facilitates the physical action. To defeat your enemy, you must break their will, to control
you. In order to break their will, you must break their ability to control your mind. It is only when
information is occulted that the appearance of the truth can be disfigured, and it is in this intellectual
corruption whereby human beings can be tricked into dehumanizing- and thus rationalizing the use of
aggression, fraud, and coercion- other human beings and their communities. The buck stops here. Allow
me to introduce the turning point by reflecting some wisdom which helped lead us here today, from a
lecture by famed mystery writer and Oxford graduate, Dorothy Sayers, in her lecture ―The Lost Tools of

"I am not here to consider the feelings of academic bodies: I am concerned only with the proper
training of the mind to encounter and deal with the formidable mass of undigested problems
presented to it by the modern world. For the tools of learning are the same, in any and every
subject; and the person who knows how to use them will, at any age, get the mastery of a new
subject in half the time and with a quarter of the effort expended by the person who has not the
tools at his command. To learn six subjects without remembering how they were learnt does
nothing to ease the approach to a seventh; to have learnt and remembered the art of learning
makes the approach to every subject an open door."

Here’s where all of this lesson pays off: we are standing on top of the single most powerful learning
methodology, which produces progress with ever-increasing degrees of certainty, but first, there’s one
more word to learn: Trivium, Latin for where 3 roads meet. What 3 roads? The input, processing, and
output, which when used in a systematic ordered repetition, produces satisfaction. At this point, I’m going
to have you elevate your own sense of perspective, thereby transmuting your natural implicit ability to
learn into an explicit form of intellectual self-defense.

The Input: How to observe

This is simply defined knowledge, resulting from answering: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN. This input, or
knowledge, is referred to as the general grammar of a concept or idea. General Grammar is the
connecting of human word concepts to objective reality.

The Processing: How to think

This is simply the understanding which results from answering: WHY? It is the art of thinking without
contradiction, or non-contradictory identification. This processing, or thinking, is referred to as logic.

The Output: How to communicate

This is simply the communication of knowledge and understanding, or wisdom, which precipitates from
answering the question: How? It is in taking the grammar and applying logic, which creates what is
referred to as rhetoric, or the expression of wisdom. However, if an audience lacks intellectual self-
defense, and does not question the rhetoric they consume, they can soon be misled; this is why it is
imperative that we, the people, become skilled in the art of using this three step process, known as the
Trivium method of critical thinking and creative problem solving. Whether referred to as Input, Processing
and Output, or How to Observe, How to Think, How to Communicate, or Knowledge, Understanding, and
Wisdom, or Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; it’s all referring to the identical implicit and natural process we
all have as human beings. This, is why it’s removed from the public education system and preserved
within the elite universities, mystery schools, and secret societies… it is the single secret which allows
them to create and maintain power in the first place, by amputating our curiosity and ability to learn for
ourselves, making us dependent on teachers in Pavlovian classrooms using Wundtian implementations of
experimental psychology to condition us like Skinner’s pigeons… where we can read, just enough, to be
efficiently and effectively controlled. B.F. Skinner deprived his pigeons of food, and then used food to
corrupt the actions of the birds, and our non-elected rulers deprive us of information and money, and then
use these deficiencies to corrupt our actions in their favor. This is the root cause of why the status quo is
in direct conflict with human needs of survival. This is why; in the 15,000 hours you spent in public
schooling did not teach you that which you’ve learned within this hour lesson. It is the most important
thing which can be taught, and yet it is conspicuously absent from our status quo.

Now, a couple of quick examples to give you the best grip possible on this invaluable set of perspectives:

1. If you’ve ever been out of your neighborhood and gotten hungry, it’s likely that you’ve had the
experience of ordering from an unfamiliar restaurant. You observe the menu, you think about
what you would like, and then you order and eat your meal. Three steps, observe, think, order.
You don’t eat, order, think about you want, and then look at the menu; that would be illogical.
Grammar is the definitions or knowledge (of what’s on the menu), Logic is the process of thinking,
comparing what you like to the menu, and assuring you don’t eat a contra-diction to what brings
you satisfaction; rhetoric is the process of ordering and eating the meal.
2. It seems that almost every television channel has a police crime scene investigation show; and
yet, ironically, too few in this world can actually recognize, investigate, and solve any of the
myriad of mega-crimes and grand theft world, ongoing. In these shows, the Grammar, Logic, and
Rhetoric process is the repetitive theme, the system or method by which crimes are solved. First
there is an awareness, and definition of the crime scene, which then goes back to the lab to think
through the evidence and identify and remove contradictions; whereby the connection to the
criminal having been made, the arrest can take place. Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, a wheel of
power, which the helmsmen use to steer the rest of us through life. This is the essence of how to
start to instantly introduce equilibrium in the world, one free mind at a time.
3. Lastly, if you haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, one more example. Everyone here has purchased
a product, which comes with an instruction manual. Every single instruction manual with integrity,
uses the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric process, or the Trivium Method; to communicate the
value of the concept/idea/product, etc. The individual parts are always first, defined and usually
illustrated; this is the General Grammar of the product. Next, the manual will show you how all the
parts fit together, illustrating how the knowledge (of the individual parts) interconnect, which
produces your understanding thus allowing successful assembly; this is the Logic of the product
manual. Lastly, the instruction manual articulates how to properly use and troubleshoot the
product, and this is the Rhetoric.

Picture a circle, divided into 3 equal parts, these 3 roads, Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, when used in
that specific order, repetitively, with active learning engaged… produces ever increasing degrees of
certainty. If you rotate this circle, and progress it horizontally, it creates a line of repeating steps,
Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, etc. and this is a comprehensive decision making
process. It is the process used to deceive all of us to lock our own minds early in life, as being deprived of
this simple natural reflection of the human learning process, we accept whatever feels emotionally
pleasant as truth, and that does not compute, if you’ll excuse the irony.

Critical thinking cannot be effectively taught in a curriculum, as it is a skill which results from the process
of thinking, and learning, and is driven by the grammar, logic, and rhetoric cycle of observation, thought,
and action. The purpose of grammar is to bring initial and consistent order to a body of knowledge. The
purpose of logic is to extract understanding from the body of knowledge. Rhetoric is the cogent
explanation of that body of knowledge. If done effectively, this is known as teaching.

When one realizes that they desire to change their environment, either as recognition of a problem or the
inspiration for a new creation or improvement, the learning process is necessary.

This is why this use of our 5-senses, processed by the Trivium, and integrated into our comprehension
via the Quadrivium is embodied in the famous 5-3-4 triangle of Pythagoras. One of the requirements to
enter Plato’s Academy was ―knowledge of geometry‖, which refers to Pythagoras, and the fact that if you
don’t know how to learn anything for yourself, by asking substantial questions and obtaining valid
answers, you cannot possibly contribute or benefit to a school which operates on the pre-requisite of
autonomy- or self-governance. In ancient times, students were taught the Trivium at home, by their
parents, as a pre-requisite for admission into universities.

Now you know why the Secret Societies, including the brothers masons and illuminati, conceal this secret
from the public… because any single person who understands what I’m saying, or can learn to
understand what I’m saying, is now impervious to the control system. This learning process is a
vaccination of information, inoculating you from predatory forces on this planet; specifically from those
who use knowledge of how your mind works, to undermine your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The hope exists in the simple fact that you can hear me, which you can work to grasp my meaning, and
that with a little thinking… we can all begin to reflect the change we wish to see in the world, and thereby
make this convergence of will a success… long into the future.

―Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness which created them‖ – A.E.

Where learning exists, therein is proof of god; and if we define god as learning, that statement would then
be true. If one equated the concept of god to the process of learning, one would note that in places where
learning is stifled, it is as if god has abandoned the area, and conflict festers as more and more
information is censored. On the contrary, where people are engaged in kinetic learning coupled with
constructive action and compassionate communication, it is as if god is manifesting through the actions of
human beings.

Indeed, there is a connection between the concepts of energy, nature, learning, freedom, love, and god;
but that is the destination of your own journey of understanding, and I will not attempt to deny you that
priceless experience of self-recognition… rather I am here to fan the flame of curiosity, to help ensure you
reach your destination sooner rather than later.

Part 3: Closing (1 page / 5 mins)

Would you like to know more? Then allow me to share the highlights on the journey of knowledge which
led me to share the wisdom of this lesson:

1. Jan Irvin’s Trivium and Quadrivium interviews with Gene Odening, episodes 49, 50, 51
a. Video version: Trivium
b. Video version: Quadrivium
2. Jan Irvin’s Fallacy interviews with Dr. Michael Labossiere
3. Dr. Labossiere’s Fallacy video
5. Peace Revolution episodes 1, 2, 3, etc., an entire podcast dedicated to a comprehensive or full-
spectrum education
6. The Tragedy and Hope online community
a. Invitation link
b. Trivium Study Group
c. Introduction to Logic Study Group
d. Upcoming Philosophical Corruption of Physics Study Group
7. What You’ve Been Missing episodes 1 and 2

Literacy is a form of slavery, until a systematic form of critical thinking is practiced by the reader. Now you
have been informed of the existence of this process, and have been provided with the coordinates of
where to locate more knowledge on these topics; and this is where now invite you to participate with
thousands of people all over the world, by reviewing our podcasts, screening our films, and sharpening
your intellectual self-defense skills in our online community. It was my responsibility to provide you with
information which you could upon leaving, use to your advantage, and that’s what makes it valuable. If
this lesson taught you nothing, you have been entertained- not informed. I encourage you to familiarize
yourself with the concepts unfolded today, and do some serious thinking on your own… and therein, you’ll
realize that you too… can learn to use the super-power innate to all of us. The proof exists, as if it weren’t
possible for any one of us to change the game, then billions of dollars would not be invested into dumbing
down the population of this planet. The future is a function of your decisions. When you learn to choose
wisely, every decision becomes a rewarding experience.

Thank you for tuning in- and not dropping out!


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